Feeling Judged

Feeling Judged

Dear Sarah, This is really random, but I just wanted your advice…I have started back to school and I am really struggling with negativity and judgment from some of my colleagues. It is making me doubt and second guess everything and I am exhausted! Any advice?...
Finding the Energy

Finding the Energy

Dear Sarah, You’ve been teaching for awhile. How do you find the energy to start another year? Sincerely, Finding the Energy   Here’s my #lightbulbmoment! Teach openly, With Teacher2Teacher e-NewsletterE-Newsletter If you like what you’re reading,...
Paper Guilt

Paper Guilt

Dear Sarah, I’ve had this stack of papers on my desk for nearly three months. Do I hand them back? Sincerely, Paper Guilt Dear Paper Guilt, Thank you for asking this question. Seriously. This is like one of those classroom moments when a student sheepishly...

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