Advanced Degree or Not?

Advanced Degree or Not?

Dear Sarah, I have a question. Why should I pursue a master’s degree? I mean, it’s nice to have but in the end it’s not that much difference in my pay. Sincerely, Advanced Degree or Not? Dear Advanced Degree or Not, There have been two times I’ve had to ask myself...
Asking for Help

Asking for Help

Dear Sarah, It is hard to have administration in my classroom. How do you ask for help without sounding incompetent? Sincerely, Asking for Help Dear Asking for Help, It’s a brave question to ask; one that may require a little bravery to answer. I’ll be honest: I’ve...
Feeling Judged

Feeling Judged

Dear Sarah, This is really random, but I just wanted your advice…I have started back to school and I am really struggling with negativity and judgment from some of my colleagues. It is making me doubt and second guess everything and I am exhausted! Any advice?...

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